- 0 =
- id = //www.culture.si/en/Biennial_of_Design_-28BIO-29#2024-11
- url = http://www.bio.si
- tags = Array
- title = Bienale oblikovanja (BIO)
- _csi_logo = http://www.culture.si/images/4/41/Biennial_of_Design_%28BIO%29_en_%28logo%29.png
- _csi_name = Biennial of Design (BIO)
- _ical_dtend = 2025-04-07
- content_text = The Biennial of Design, known also by its Slovene acronym BIO, explores and reflects contemporary developments in international design through a collaborative process; questioning and analysing current conditions in industrial production, public and private space, systems and networks.
- external_url = https://www.culture.si/en/Biennial_of_Design_(BIO)
- _ical_dtstart = 2024-11-21
- date_modified = 2024-11-21T09:06:12+01:00
- _ical_location = Ljubljana
- 1 =
- id = //www.culture.si/en/World_Literatures_-2D_Fabula_Festival#2025-03
- url = https://festival-fabula.org
- tags = Array
- title = Literature sveta - Fabula
- _csi_logo = http://www.culture.si/images/b/b8/World_Literatures_-_Fabula_Festival_%28logo%29.jpg
- _csi_name = World Literatures - Fabula Festival
- _ical_dtend = 2025-03-22
- content_text = Fabula Festival ‒ Literature of the World is the biggest and most visited literary festival in Slovenia and the wider region.
- external_url = https://www.culture.si/en/World_Literatures_-_Fabula_Festival
- _ical_dtstart = 2025-03-01
- date_modified = 2025-02-19T12:54:32+01:00
- _ical_location = Ljubljana
- 2 =
- id = //www.culture.si/en/Ljubljana_Documentary_Film_Festival#2025-03
- url = http://www.fdf.si/
- tags = Array
- title = Festival dokumentarnega filma (FDF)
- _csi_logo = http://www.culture.si/images/e/e8/Ljubljana_Documentary_Film_Festival_%28logo%29_2025.jpeg
- _csi_name = Ljubljana Documentary Film Festival
- _ical_dtend = 2025-03-20
- content_text = The Ljubljana Documentary Film Festival is a specialised competitive event established in 1998.
- external_url = https://www.culture.si/en/Ljubljana_Documentary_Film_Festival
- _ical_dtstart = 2025-03-12
- date_modified = 2025-03-13T20:01:28+01:00
- _ical_location = Ljubljana
- 3 =
- id = //www.culture.si/en/Beavers_Festival_of_Culture_and_Art_Education#2025-03
- url = http://www.bobri.si/
- tags = Array
- title = Bobri
- _csi_logo = http://www.culture.si/images/3/34/Beavers_Festival_of_Culture_and_Art_Education_%28logo%29.jpeg
- _csi_name = Beavers Festival of Culture and Art Education
- _ical_dtend = 2025-03-30
- content_text = In 2009, the Mladinsko Theatre initiated the Bobri (in English, Beavers), the Ljubljana-based festival of children's education in culture and the arts.
- external_url = https://www.culture.si/en/Beavers_Festival_of_Culture_and_Art_Education
- _ical_dtstart = 2025-03-15
- date_modified = 2025-03-11T08:06:01+01:00
- _ical_location = Ljubljana
- 4 =
- id = //www.culture.si/en/Sound_Disobedience#2025-03
- url = http://www.sploh.si/neposlusno.html
- tags = Array
- image = http://www.culture.si/images/9/97/Sound_Disobedience_2012_Neza_Naglic_-_Jost_Drasler.jpg
- title = Neposlušno
- _csi_logo = http://www.culture.si/images/a/a7/Sploh_Institute_%28logo%29.png
- _csi_name = Sound Disobedience
- _ical_dtend = 2025-03-30
- content_text = Launched in 2012, the music series Sound Disobedience (in Slovenian, Neposlušno) describes its creed as an aim to facilitate conditions for music risk-taking and improvisation.
- external_url = https://www.culture.si/en/Sound_Disobedience
- _ical_dtstart = 2025-03-27
- date_modified = 2025-01-09T19:45:06+01:00
- _ical_location = Ljubljana
- 5 =
- id = //www.culture.si/en/Week_of_Slovenian_Drama#2025-03
- url = http://www.tsd.si
- tags = Array
- title = Teden slovenske drame
- _csi_logo = http://www.culture.si/images/5/58/Week_of_Slovenian_Drama_2024_%28logo%29.png
- _csi_name = Week of Slovenian Drama
- _ical_dtend = 2025-04-10
- content_text = Organised annually by the Prešeren Theatre Kranj since 1971, the prestigious theatre festival Week of Slovenian Drama presents the most successful performances based on a Slovene play or text and staged in the last season by Slovene theatres.
- external_url = https://www.culture.si/en/Week_of_Slovenian_Drama
- _ical_dtstart = 2025-03-27
- date_modified = 2025-02-27T01:14:39+01:00
- _ical_location = Kranj
- 6 =
- id = //www.culture.si/en/Orto_Fest#2025-03
- url = http://www.orto-bar.com/orto-fest
- tags = Array
- title = Orto fest
- _csi_name = Orto Fest
- _ical_dtend = 2025-04-28
- content_text = Established in 1999 and regularly held since 2001, Orto Fest is an ambitious festival with a wide ranging scope of its musical programme.
- external_url = https://www.culture.si/en/Orto_Fest
- _ical_dtstart = 2025-03-27
- date_modified = 2025-03-11T08:18:53+01:00
- _ical_location = Ljubljana
- 7 =
- id = //www.culture.si/en/TRESK_Festival#2025-04
- url = http://tresk.si
- tags = Array
- title = TRESK festival
- _csi_name = TRESK Festival
- _ical_dtend = 2025-04-06
- content_text = Under the auspices of Radio Študent, The TRESK Festival has been presenting a confrontation of music and publishing for fifteen years.
- external_url = https://www.culture.si/en/TRESK_Festival
- _ical_dtstart = 2025-04-02
- date_modified = 2025-01-09T20:14:43+01:00
- _ical_location = Ljubljana
- 8 =
- id = //www.culture.si/en/Slovene_Music_Days#2025-04
- url = https://ljubljanafestival.si/koledar/dogodki-slovenski-glasbeni-dnevi/
- tags = Array
- title = Slovenski glasbeni dnevi
- _csi_name = Slovene Music Days
- _ical_dtend = 2025-04-16
- content_text = The programme of Slovene Music Days, existing since 1985, is divided into two main parts: an international musicological symposium and concerts of contemporary Slovene music.
- external_url = https://www.culture.si/en/Slovene_Music_Days
- _ical_dtstart = 2025-04-07
- date_modified = 2024-12-04T19:03:35+01:00
- _ical_location = Ljubljana
- 9 =
- id = //www.culture.si/en/Transgenerations_Festival_of_Youth_Creativity#2025-04
- url = https://www.cd-cc.si/transgeneracije-2024
- tags = Array
- title = Festival ustvarjalnosti mladih Transgeneracije
- _csi_name = Transgenerations Festival of Youth Creativity
- _ical_dtend = 2025-04-19
- content_text = The annual Transgenerations Festival of Youth Creativity was launched in 1984 with the aim of providing a public platform for art and culture produced by secondary school students in Slovenia and in Slovenian-speaking areas beyond the country's borders.
- external_url = https://www.culture.si/en/Transgenerations_Festival_of_Youth_Creativity
- _ical_dtstart = 2025-04-07
- date_modified = 2025-03-11T08:13:56+01:00
- _ical_location = Ljubljana
- 10 =
- id = //www.culture.si/en/Open_House_Slovenia_Festival#2025-04
- url = http://www.odprtehiseslovenije.org/
- tags = Array
- title = Festival Odprte hiše Slovenije
- _csi_logo = http://www.culture.si/images/d/db/Open_House_Slovenia_Festival_%28logo%29.svg
- _csi_name = Open House Slovenia Festival
- _ical_dtend = 2025-04-14
- content_text = Every year, the largest architecture festival in Slovenia, Open House Slovenia Festival, allows architecture enthusiasts and members of the public to visit architectural projects across the country free of charge.
- external_url = https://www.culture.si/en/Open_House_Slovenia_Festival
- _ical_dtstart = 2025-04-11
- date_modified = 2024-12-04T19:17:19+01:00
- _ical_location = Ljubljana
- 11 =
- id = //www.culture.si/en/Sonica_International_Festival_of_Transitory_Art#2025-04
- url = http://sonica.si
- tags = Array
- image = http://www.culture.si/images/9/94/Sonica_International_Festival_of_Transitory_Art_2016_Sally_Golding_and_Matt_Spendlove_Photo_Katja_Goljat.jpg
- title = Sonica International Festival of Transitory Art
- _csi_logo = http://www.culture.si/images/3/35/Sonica_International_Festival_of_Transitory_Art_%28logo%29.svg
- _csi_name = Sonica International Festival of Transitory Art
- _ical_dtend = 2025-04-19
- content_text = Sonica is a festival of (electronic) music as well as sound and experimental art.
- external_url = https://www.culture.si/en/Sonica_International_Festival_of_Transitory_Art
- _ical_dtstart = 2025-04-15
- date_modified = 2025-03-11T08:15:23+01:00
- _ical_location = Ljubljana
- 12 =
- id = //www.culture.si/en/Gibanica_-28Moving_Cake-29_Biennial_of_Slovenian_Contemporary_Dance_Art#2025-05
- url = https://gibanica.info
- tags = Array
- title = Gibanica, bienale slovenske sodobne umetnosti
- _csi_name = Gibanica (Moving Cake) Biennial of Slovenian Contemporary Dance Art
- _ical_dtend = 2025-05-11
- content_text = Held biannually since 2003 the Gibanica (Moving Cake) Biennial of Slovenian Contemporary Dance Art has been a competitive contemporary dance festival aimed at offering an overview of the most outstanding Slovene dance performances of the preceding two years.
- external_url = https://www.culture.si/en/Gibanica_(Moving_Cake)_Biennial_of_Slovenian_Contemporary_Dance_Art
- _ical_dtstart = 2025-05-06
- date_modified = 2025-03-11T08:04:15+01:00
- _ical_location = Ljubljana
- 13 =
- id = //www.culture.si/en/Slovenian_Advertising_Festival_-28SOF-29#2025-05
- url = https://sof.si/
- tags = Array
- image = http://www.culture.si/images/2/2d/Slovenian_Advertising_Festival_2019_Entrance_Hall_Photo_Ziga_Intihar.jpg
- title = Slovenski oglaševalski festival (SOF)
- _csi_logo = http://www.culture.si/images/f/f2/Slovene_Advertising_Festival_%28SOF%29_%28logo%29.svg
- _csi_name = Slovenian Advertising Festival (SOF)
- _ical_dtend = 2025-05-17
- content_text = The Slovenian Advertising Festival (SOF) is the central annual event of the advertising industry in Slovenia, organised by the Slovenian Advertising Chamber since the beginning of the 90s.
- external_url = https://www.culture.si/en/Slovenian_Advertising_Festival_(SOF)
- _ical_dtstart = 2025-05-15
- date_modified = 2025-01-09T00:56:27+01:00
- _ical_location = Ljubljana
- 14 =
- id = //www.culture.si/en/Crossings_Festival#2025-05
- url = https://prestopi.si/
- tags = Array
- title = Prestopi, festival neodvisnega gledališča
- _csi_name = Crossings Festival
- _ical_dtend = 2025-05-24
- content_text = Crossings International Festival of Independent Performing Arts is designed as a platform for presenting domestic and foreign independent theatre and performance production.
- external_url = https://www.culture.si/en/Crossings_Festival
- _ical_dtstart = 2025-05-16
- date_modified = 2025-03-10T21:18:55+01:00
- _ical_location = Maribor
- 15 =
- id = //www.culture.si/en/Druga_godba_Festival#2025-05
- url = http://www.drugagodba.si/
- tags = Array
- image = http://www.culture.si/images/6/6c/Druga_Godba_Festival_2011_Staff_Benda_Bilili_Photo_Maja_Bjelica.jpg
- title = Mednarodni festival Druga godba
- _csi_logo = http://www.culture.si/images/1/18/Druga_godba_Ljubljana_%28logo%29.svg
- _csi_name = Druga godba Festival
- _ical_dtend = 2025-06-01
- content_text = Druga godba Festival is nowadays a major Slovene international world music festival.
- external_url = https://www.culture.si/en/Druga_godba_Festival
- _ical_dtstart = 2025-05-29
- date_modified = 2025-01-09T00:46:15+01:00
- _ical_location = Ljubljana
- 16 =
- id = //www.culture.si/en/Maribor_Theatre_Festival#2025-06
- url = http://www.borstnikovo.si/
- tags = Array
- title = Festival Borštnikovo srečanje
- _csi_logo = http://www.culture.si/images/8/8c/Maribor_Theatre_Festival_Festival_Borstnikovo_Srecanje_%28logo%29.jpg
- _csi_name = Maribor Theatre Festival
- _ical_dtend = 2025-06-16
- content_text = Every year since 1966, Slovenian theatres have gathered in Maribor for the Maribor Theatre Festival (Slo: Borštnikovo srečanje).
- external_url = https://www.culture.si/en/Maribor_Theatre_Festival
- _ical_dtstart = 2025-06-02
- date_modified = 2025-03-12T04:03:52+01:00
- _ical_location = Maribor
- 17 =
- id = //www.culture.si/en/Biennial_of_Graphic_Arts#2025-06
- url = https://bienale.si
- tags = Array
- image = http://www.culture.si/images/0/0c/Biennial_of_Graphic_Arts_2013_Thomas_Kilpper_Photo_Urska_Boljkovac.jpg
- title = Grafični bienale
- _csi_logo = http://www.culture.si/images/e/e7/Biennial_of_Graphic_Arts_2017_%28logo%29.svg
- _csi_name = Biennial of Graphic Arts
- _ical_dtend = 2025-10-13
- content_text = Biennial of Graphic Arts is the world's oldest existing biennial exhibition of contemporary graphic arts.
- external_url = https://www.culture.si/en/Biennial_of_Graphic_Arts
- _ical_dtstart = 2025-06-06
- date_modified = 2025-01-30T20:04:33+01:00
- _ical_location = Ljubljana
- 18 =
- id = //www.culture.si/en/Arsana_International_Music_Festival#2025-06
- url = http://festivalarsana.com/
- tags = Array
- title = Mednarodni glasbeni festival Arsana
- _csi_logo = http://www.culture.si/images/d/d3/Arsana_International_Music_Festival_%28logo%29.svg
- _csi_name = Arsana International Music Festival
- _ical_dtend = 2025-08-30
- content_text = Over the course of fifteen years, The Arsana International Music Festival has presented more than 1,000 events, welcomed 10,500 internationally acclaimed artists, attracted nearly half a million visitors from around the globe, and evolved into one of the most renowned and diverse music festivals in Slovenia and the surrounding region of Europe.
- external_url = https://www.culture.si/en/Arsana_International_Music_Festival
- _ical_dtstart = 2025-06-14
- date_modified = 2025-01-09T01:15:06+01:00
- _ical_location = Ptuj
- 19 =
- id = //www.culture.si/en/Lent_Festival#2025-06
- url = http://www.festival-lent.si
- tags = Array
- title = Festival Lent
- _csi_logo = http://www.culture.si/images/0/0e/Lent_Festival_2024_%28logo%29.png
- _csi_name = Lent Festival
- _ical_dtend = 2025-06-29
- content_text = Each June, the medieval Lent district along the Drava River, the historic squares, picturesque streets of the Old Town, and even the mighty city park emerge as festival venues bursting with art, culture, and creativity.
- external_url = https://www.culture.si/en/Lent_Festival
- _ical_dtstart = 2025-06-20
- date_modified = 2025-03-12T04:34:41+01:00
- _ical_location = Maribor
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{{{content_text}}} [{{{url}}} [Site]]
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